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Mother of Unity & Hope – References to the Warning and Schism

Writer's picture: Yves JacquesYves Jacques
Text "Mother of Unity & Hope, References to the Warning & Schism" over a glowing blue forest background, creating a serene mood.
  • Keep your houses purified with Holy Water every day from now until the Warning has occurred. Your dear ones will feel an intense measure of sloth and unwillingness to carry the word of God. The evil one comes with attacks of fear, anxiety and intense resentments. He wishes to divide you and most, very most especially, this call to unity. Never fear, children of God, for Jesus, beloved of my heart, shall be with you. You are now to foretaste the attacks, which the devil will use against newly-formed unity after the Warning has occurred. Remember, bless your houses daily.

  • Now, see this brilliant sun over the mountain, forcing the snowcaps to melt. Notice with such great velocity that this mountain crumbles to the sea. My daughter, this represents the force of the Warning to come. There will be no more time to hide and no place to run. The Warning will come upon mankind so forcefully and with such profundity that time itself will stop for moments longer than foretold. Such force comes from the indignation of God's view of mankind at this time. God so planned the Warning to occur in this time of mercy, for if it were to come in the time of justice, He would have destroyed the world.

  • Understand, that as you draw close to this day, the earth will crack in several places and many will wish to have been taken off this earth. So great is the Warning, that its approach will first be felt within the globe of this planet and only to prepare hearts for its effect upon the soul. As the Warning comes and cracks the earth, so will it crack the hardened and encrusted hearts of mankind. Beloved daughter, it is the fullness of time. Know, now, that this is your own Warning, in a sense. Ready your hearts and minds to begin the work of your Mother of Unity. So shall it come.

  • Once you hear of an earthquake in Yugoslavia, come to me … for it will be at that time that I will speak and form around you, many souls who will form a great movement of unity prior to the Warning.

  • Soon My daughter legions of people will come to the churches looking for salvation and with the enemy in fierce pursuit in that time, it must be taught to my children that there will be no other grace as great given them for their conversions. All My Children must then choose their God. I wish this Scripture (1 Tim. 4-10) be printed for all after the Warning has passed. This is my first instruction and I wish my children to know that it has come from their Mother of Unity directly to them. It is my stern and motherly warning to them to remain fixed in their new conversion.

  • It is to be made known that the Warning will come but all the focus should not be placed on this day, but rather on the unity that will be needed to fight off the attacks of the devil once the Warning has occurred. … I will take you further in knowledge as is ordained by your heavenly Father.

  • Words must focus upon and be announced of the days to follow the Warning, for within this approach hearts will more easily understand our call to unity. … Hearts will feel more secure once they hear the truth and the truth is that you must stand together after the Warning has occurred for in this way, weaker souls will find shelter. … Speak openly to all of the Warning but more so on the days to follow when Satan launches his well laid out plan of att I would wish for further gatherings of prayer groups and followers to meet.

  • It is clear, the Warning will come, and I would like all separate links to come together now. Disciples need to speak of this day, yes, but more so as to what will follow. In plain terms, My children need to know of the attacks of Satan which will follow the Warning. Unity in prayer. Unity in gathering. As events unfold, instruction will be given! Satan knows these times.

  • …I bring to you good news. Unity through your works shall spread as fire across the lands leaving ashes of evil behind. Your Father in heaven will send His Spirit over the land to open hearts and reveal His True Presence. There will no longer be discussion as to whether there is a God. All of His children will know He exists. Unity of children will arise from the burnt ashes and form an army of love. You are the army my children; my family. As you see division within Holy Mother Church, a schism and division in the earth's crust, know that the time comes when your Father will send this cleansing Spirit of Fire to burn through all misconceptions that the devil has placed in the world and in the minds of God's children. It is the great Warning.

  • Dear children, it is with sadness I come to you today. There is much upheaval in Holy Mother Church causing a great schism, which will soon be made public. My enemy tries to separate my children as an attack against this call to Unity. He wishes to entrench my children in believing that Jesus truly does not exist in the Sacrifice of the Mass. Many will follow.

  • Yes, dear children, a storm comes and your refuge will be found in My exposed Immaculate Heart. Have no fear but be aware that the call to unity is My adversary’s greatest threat. Our Unity will also intensify a schism within Holy Mother Church but please recall that through unity and your devotion to the truths of Holy Mother Church, a renewal as well as a purification will ensue. Truly, these are the times when My children will be asked to choose sides; to choose for God. Please children, return to God and find your shelter—His Truth given you through the sacraments of Holy Mother Church—and there you will find Me with My arms open to give you safe refuge.

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